Holistic Health Care in Wayne, NJ

Call to Book Your First Appointment with Dr. Matt Singer

Tired of not feeling heard by your doctor?

Dr. Matt Singer has experience working with even the most complex health cases.


Welcome to Integrative Functional Medicine

Welcome to our website! Our approach is very simple...It's all about YOU!!!

Since 2008 we have been helping people all over the country who have been suffering from chronic and severe health challenges. Your body is made to be well however a chronic disease process can slowly disrupt the communication between your brain, organs, and glands. This causes your body to slowly adapt instead of thrive, eventually causing the horrible symptoms you are feeling. Our unique healing methods have helped thousands of people regain their health and feel normal again.

What makes us unique in our holistic center is our approach towards your health, and YOU as a whole. Unlike many health centers that are symptom based and focus solely on trying to mask the presenting symptom, our office is focused on the cause of the symptom and the relationship it has to your gland-organ-muscle connection. Symptoms are just stories the body tells us and when we listen to what the body needs properly, the symptoms will go away for good.

We serve people not only concerned with resolving symptoms of disease, but who also are interested in maintaining wellness.

We are concerned with the health and well being of the whole person and have created an open, caring state-of-the-art environment where a patient may take advantage of as many of our holistic health services as they wish.

I was so thankful to Dr. Singer when my son tested positive for the flu and I thought he was going to be sick for a week. I brought my son to Dr. Singer right away, he was able to help my son's body fight the virus and recover in literally 1 1/2 days!!! I was blown away when my son's fever broke the night I took him to see Dr. Singer!

  • The Flu

  • Coronavirus

  • Auto-Immune Diseases

  • Digestive Problems

  • Food Allergies and Sensitivities

  • Lyme Disease, CFS, & Lupus

  • Sinus and Migraines

  • Depression

  • Weight Loss

  • Detoxification Programs

  • Nutrition Programs

  • Athletic Rehab...And much more!!!

Providing Alternative Solutions for People Suffering with:

What To Expect

We believe the body works as a whole and controlled by vital areas such as: Brain, Organs, Glands, Systems (Immune, Endocrine etc...), Central Nervous System, Skeletal System and muscle attachments to Tendon and Ligament structures. Every part of the body is connected together and because of this foundation we have the ability to use an organ to help heal a gland or muscle. We also have the ability to access different toxins, poisons, allergen, and pathogens through our incredibly intricate meridian system. This meridian system is a network of nerves that connect every part of the body together and notify the brain about every change or attack to its cells and organs.

As a result of this premise we believe that once the brain has been informed about a potential health risk such as a foreign virus, bacteria, pathogen, or one of the thousands of potential dangers to the body, the brain will recruit the necessary cells and body system in order to restore health.

Step 1

Find The Cause

Through the techniques of Applied Kinesiology we seek out the origin or the cause of your symptoms which are making your feel unhealthy. We never treat the symptom but seek out the cause of the symptom, get the body to heal the cause, and the body restores itself back to perfect health! The body is the most powerful healer in the world, we simply access the areas of dis-ease via the meridian system and in turn the body shows us how to fix the problem.

Step 2

Stabilize and Accelerate The Healing Process

Once brain has found the cause we continuously test other organs, glands, and body systems to determine if other conditions exist as well. Such conditions we check for are: Auto-immune diseases involving Gluten and other food allergens, Viral and Bacterial pathogens, Mold and Fungal strains, Chemical and Heavy metal poisoning and toxicity, and many other issues. As we find these secondary or tertiary conditions and allow the body to eliminate them,

Step 3

Monitor and Adapt

Our bodies are constantly growing, building, healing, and re-building cells and body systems and as a result of this we frequently monitor your body for any new health issues or potential non-active pathogens. Non-active pathogens are dormant (sleeping) pathogens (causing disease) which if turned on can potentially harm the body. We use the power of the brain and body systems to detect any potential threats to your body and your health, eliminating them without side effects.

Thank you again and I tell everyone I know about the magic healer! - KK, Wayne, NJ

Located in the heart of Wayne, New Jersey, Dr. Matthew Singer and the entire team are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives with a holistic approach through advanced Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, Designed Clinical Nutrition, Allergy Elimination, Infant and young child care, Women's health, Specific Organ Detoxification Methods, Organ Balancing, Emotional Release, Energy Healing, Holistic Chiropractic care and Brain-Based Rehabilitation.

As a specialist in Holistic Medicine, Dr. Singer understands how important it is to listen to the clues given by the body when experiencing a health challenge. Instead of basing treatments off of patient symptoms, Dr. Singer seeks to help the body heal on its own by locating the specific organ or system of the body that is weak or stressed.

Holistic care defines itself by its own nature. It is the process of self-evaluation that begins with the patient wanting to take responsibility for his or her own well being. This type of care is not reduction-istic in nature. It does not break a person down into different pieces of dysfunction and try to fix the pieces one at a time.

Instead, holistic caregivers strive to take into account the whole person on all levels simultaneously, by looking at the structural, emotional, nutritional, spiritual, and physical components of dis-ease. Then, after doing so, they look for general patterns, that when corrected, will help resolve all levels of symptomology, regardless of which origin they may arise from. This process also takes into consideration the natural process of healing, and the understanding that each person is an individual, and will, therefore, have a schedule of healing all their own.

The methods and techniques Dr. Singer brings to his patients make him one of the most unique healers of our time. I have never heard of or let alone been to a doctor who approaches health quite like Dr. Singer. He has personally changed and saved my life and for that fact alone I truly appreciate the love and dedication he puts into his work! -T.R.

Through his extensive knowledge, experience, and caseload Dr. Singer has developed one of the most unique and powerful healing techniques in the field of Holistic Medicine, Holistic Chiropractic, and Holistic Healing.

"Transform Your Health with Dr. Singer's Holistic Approach: Breakthrough Weight Loss and Total Wellness Without Medications! BH New Jersey Shares Their Life-Changing Journey."

Dr. Singer helped me lose over 64 pounds after I had tried 8 different diet plans in the past! He takes a mind-body approach and helped me get to the core of WHY I had the cravings for the foods I was eating. I still can't believe it when I look in the mirror, I am so thankful to you Dr. Singer, you saved my life! - BH New Jersey

The experience you will receive as a patient in our office is unlike any you may have had in the past. Our goal is to utilize your body's inner healing capabilities by using a natural holistic approach that will successfully:

Remove heavy metals and chemicals that accumulate in the lymph nodes and organs.

Eliminate virus, bacteria, parasite, and fungus without medications.

Break a fever in hours.

Eliminate allergies.


  • Learning and Behavioral difficulties.

  • Sciatica

  • Back and neck pains

  • Hypo/Hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's Ds.

  • Female health issues.

  • Enhance athletic performance.

  • Neurological injury

  • Sleep disorders

  • Digestive disorders

  • Hiatal Hernias


For the past 5 years my doctors have been monitoring the tumor on the right side of my body which measured at 5.3cm. for the past two months i have been seeing Dr. singer after a recommendation from my sister. i should have listened to her a long time ago because i was just told by my doctors that the tumor shrunk in half!!!!!

I am so grateful and thankful to dr. singer, his techniques and style of healing are truly one-of-a-kind...like nothing i have ever seen. he has dedicated his life to this work and he is so compassionate with his work and so loving with me.

Thank you for giving me my life back! G.R.

"I had no energy to work and my medical doctors all gave up on me when my body did not respond to any of the attempted treatments to get me feeling somewhat normal again. I was placed on disability, my marriage and family life was suffering because I was in bed all day for months. Dr. Singer gave me hope when I first met him. After three weeks of detoxification programs to my body I was back to work again. Thank you!" T.D.

"I was very impressed when Dr. Singer himself sat with me and explained what was wrong with my body and how he was going to help my body heal. I feel empowered and forever know now how to prevent my body from breaking down." K.S."

"For 7 years I was told that my stomach pains were incurable and I should just learn to live with it. After only a few months I am a new person, I was given my life back. Thank you Dr. Matt, I am able to live again!" C.G.

"Dr. Singer has such insight and understand about the body, I always feel as though he knows what my problems are before I tell him! H.T.

I was prescribed over 15 different medications, 7 different antibiotics, and countless amounts of antidepressants and pain medication over the past 12 years. I was told countless times that I had Lyme, but the blood tests could never 100% confirm the diagnosis. Dozens of doctors were dumbfounded about my condition, I truly thought I was going to live this way for the rest of my life. There were even days I contemplated suicide from the intense pain and inability to function. I almost lost my job, family, and way of life. I was referred to Dr. Singer a few months ago and within 5 weeks I was back to work, my energy returned, I was happy, healthy, and I had my family life back. I can barely tell this story without crying for such appreciation for what Dr. Singer did to help me get my life back.

I recommend everyone to his office. I am forever grateful for your knowledge and assistance, you saved my life! - C.E.

If you are new to our website, please feel free to discover and learn about our holistic approach to chiropractic wellness. If you are interested in starting your journey towards wellness please subscribe to our award winning newsletter. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, please explore the member wellness section of our website for wellness articles, resources, and health facts---specifically targeted by Dr. Singer to your wellness needs and interests


Unique Lyme Disease Method

Lifestyle Advice /Emotional Blocks

Integrative Funtional Chiropractic Care

Integrative Funtional Methods

Sports Injuries & Rehabilitation

Hours of Operation


8:30 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:30 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


By Appointment

Friday & Sunday


Meet Our Doctor

Dr. Matt Singer

My name is Dr. Matt Singer and it is an absolute honor and pleasure to introduce myself to you. Born in Wayne and raised in northern New Jersey I have the honor of returning to my childhood community to serve my friends and neighbors of Wayne.

I believe it is the events, stressors, and challenges in our life that brings out our true character, strengths, and purpose in life.

As a medium myself, I have been studying from the greatest Integrative Funtional Doctor, Healers, Naturopaths, Body workers, and Energy Medicine Practitioners for over two decades uncovering the most powerful ancient healing secrets and incorporating them into my practice.

With that desire I completed my studies at the University of Delaware then I went on to graduate from Logan Chiropractic College in St. Louis, Missouri. This is where I met an incredible mentor of mine who introduced me to the world of Integrative Funtional Medicine. I saw amazing things happening to people who had been sick and disabled for years suddenly make a complete turnaround with their health. I was so inspired at the body's incredible healing potential that I began my journey as a Integrative Funtional Medicine Doctors and continue today learning about the true healing power of the body.

2035 Hamburg Tpke d, Wayne, NJ 07470, USA

Our Location

Dr. Matthew Singer-Holistic Integrative Center


2035 Hamburg Tpke d

Wayne, NJ 07470, US

Contact Information

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